

UI/UX, Research

In 2020 animal brand, The Dodo, sought to become the go-to destination for pet owners, for more than just the viral pet videos for which they had historically been known for. With a goal to help pet parents make their pet’s life the best it can be the team began creating content for DodoWell.

I acted as lead designer, responsible for gathering user research and for designing the DodoWell site experience from end to end.



Fortunately, Group Nine Media's Slack is home to the #G9-Cats and #G9-Dogs rooms, both of which are very active. I prepped a Google survey with questions revolving around how pet owners at the company go about getting pet parenting advice and the problems they come across in that journey.

With this valuable pet-parent feedback I worked with leads at the Dodo to identify core content groupings that would be most helpful for the audience and in line with the type of content that Dodo Well editors wanted to create.


Throughout our research the most common thread of feedback centered around trust.  Pet parents needed to know that the advice they're getting regarding their pet is truthful and trust worthy. To bolster confidence in Dodo Well content we introduced new, above the fold, article components specifically drawing attention to the veterinary credentials of the writers.


All correspondence welcome at hello@derekspringsteen.com

©, Derek Springsteen