
Dodo Kids App

Research, Lead Design

The Dodo kids app is the fruit of a one day hack-a-thon at Group Nine Media. The goal of which was to spread positivity during the beginning of shelter in place measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Along with a small tiger team (🐯) we leveraged a cache of kids content from the video-first animal publisher, to create an entire iPad app for the littlest animal lovers.


For kids, their favorite animal is more than just that, it's a big part of their personality!

We wanted to make it easy and fun to see all the videos featuring their favorites.  Sticker-style filter buttons let out a howl, meow, coo, etc sound (depending on the animal) when tapped and each lead to their own critter specific pages.


Along with filtering by animals, kids can choose to see all the videos from a series such as "Best Animal Friends" which tells stories about two REAL animals who are best friends for life or the kids kareoke series "Dodo Sing, Dodo Dance". 


All correspondence welcome at hello@derekspringsteen.com

©, Derek Springsteen